Lucky Gamings

police rp

Written by
​​​​​​General Rules
Do Not RDM= Random Death Match
Do Not tow a government car with out them saying you can
Do Not Break NLR/ 3 mins or until raid is over
Do Not threaten people out of RP Do Not threaten to DDOs the server Do Not RDA= Random Arrest
Do Not take government cars Always
Advert when stealing stuff/doing Raids Mugs may only last 5 minutes Raids May Only last 10 minutes
Do Not Metagame (using information that would not realistically be available to your character)
Do Not Break FearRP If someone pulls a gun on you and you are unarmed, you must follow their commands and if government has you under fearRP and they put gun away to cuff you may not pull your gun out. (Taser does not count as FearRP if officer has taser pointed at you, you can still pull your gun out)
If EMS is online, you may not respawn if you were killed during a criminal activity/situation of some type (shootout, raid, etc.) Government officials MAY handcuff you as soon as you are revived and may take you to jail. No vigilantism - you cannot assist police in their raids and other law enforcement activities.
If you are revived by EMS, then there's no NLR, therefore you remember your past life based on what happened.
Paramedics/Fire are a Neutral Team (Can't be taken Hostage, Vehicles stolen, etc.)
If you are handcuffed, you must comply with the officer. Not doing so can be considered FailRP. If the police officer gets distracted and leaves you alone, you may attempt an escape.
Do not spam your camera in game (Camera spam) You may NOT cop bait AKA doing stuff just to get the Police's attention. All Government Bases are KOS/AOS

Be respectful to all players.
Using cheats, hacks or abusing glitches will not be tolerated.
Double-accounting is not allowed and will likely result in a permanent ban.
Do not reconnect, suicide, change job or do anything else to avoid a roleplay situation.
Do not insult or disrespect players or staff in Out-Of-Character chats.
Respect the staff's decisions. You may discuss about it privately as long as you stick to the server rules.
Do not harass or disrespect the staff, this may lead to a heavier punishment than you have been dealt to already.
Scamming is not allowed. Also, do not steal items which other players have dropped to carry out a transaction.
Any threats or intent to harm other players in the community will result in a permanent ban.
Do not complain about staffing decisions in game or in global chat. Appeals or reports can be made on the forums.
In game currency may not be sold or traded for real life items, currency or credits
Avoiding punishments by any means is forbidden and will result in a permanent ban.
A staff member has final say on all rule interpretations including those not explicitly stated in the rules.
Anyone caught baiting or encouraging others to violate rules will have an equal or greater punishment to the rule violation.
Any threats made towards the server will result in a permanent ban.

 Combat Rules

Do not kill people randomly (RDM) only kill with a valid roleplay reason.
Do not kill players because they broke a rule. Call an Administrator using '@'.
Even with an underground/custom Criminal job, you still cannot kill a person without a valid roleplay reason.
Do not shoot your gun or flare gun without a valid roleplay reason.
Do not throw molotovs/explosives without a roleplay reason.
If you make a bounty you must have a valid reason to make this contract. Do not use it as an excuse for RDM.
You're not allowed to kill a member of the military when you are arrested by him/her earlier.

 Tools and prop rules

Do not prop-kill/prop-push/prop-surf yourself or others.
Do not build in areas you do not own unless an admin gives you permission.
You may climb on top of a vehicle and use that to climb over walls.
Do not build traps and constructions that kill people.
All of your constructions must be realistically supported. This means no floating constructions.
Do not spawn props during a combat situation, i.e. barricades for defence or offence, or new structures.
Remove your unused props. Also, when leaving a job (disconnecting, switching jobs, etc).
Do not abuse your physgun, toolgun, props or any of the tools.
Do not use your physgun as a laser pointer.
Do not try to get on to rooftops; do not build on them either.

Hostage Rules

You need a good reason and your character style needs to fit the roleplay situation. (bandits, etc).
The maximum you can ask for the release of a single hostage is £2500.
You are not allowed to hostage people in public. (i.e. our own base or in a dark deserted alley way).
Do not request help from the military and then hostaging them.
You are only allowed (x2) hostages unless you are the bandits or the military, they are (x10) max.
Once you have taken a hostage, you must look after them until they have submitted to your demands.

 Raid rules

Do not raid as a Bystander.
You need a valid reason to raid if your a cop.
Do not switch jobs with the sole intention of joining a raid (powergaming). This also applies to custom jobs.
You must have a valid reason to raid players, i.e. contraband, burglary, and needing to take hostages are all valid reasons.
You can raid someone every 15 min.

Basing Rules
You can only have a Maximum of 4 fading doors in your base
. Base must not require to jump/crouch to get in to
Base must not be confusing (where you can't find the entrance)